DisMix: Audio samples

Given a multi-instrument mixture and query samples, our model, DisMix, extracts and represents individual instruments by a pair of pitch and timbre representations. The two representations act as modular components that can be swapped between instruments to render new audio samples. In the following, we provide random, non cherry-picked, audio samples of the original mixture and the rendered samples by swapping the pitch and timbre representations of instruments between and within mixtures.

Between-mixture instrument swapping

Define the reference and target instruments across different mixtures. The reference and target instruments share the same pitch range but have different timbre characteristics.

mixture trumpet → flute violin → viola viola → saxophone double bass → bassoon
mixture violin → clarinet trumpet → flute cello → saxophone tuba → tuba
mixture trumpet → oboe violin → viola saxophone → trombone tuba → double bass
mixture oboe → flute saxophone → trumpet viola → saxophone cello → cello
mixture oboe → trumpet viola → violin trombone → saxophone double bass→ tuba
mixture flute → oboe trumpet → trumpet saxophone → trombone cello → double bass

Within-mixture instrument swapping

Define the reference and target instruments within the same mixture. The reference and target instruments could have different pitch ranges.

mixture violin → trombone viola → cello trombone → viola cello → violin
mixture oboe → clarinet clarinet → cello cello → double bass double bass → oboe
mixture trumpet → violin violin → saxophone saxophone → tuba tuba → trumpet
mixture oboe → trumpet trumpet → oboe trombone → double bass double bass→ trombone
mixture flute → cello trumpet → trumpet saxophone → flute cello → saxophone
mixture clarinet → saxophone trumpet → double bass saxophone → clarinet double bass→ trumpet

Source exchange between mixtures

Exchange sources between different mixtures by swapping individual source-level latents across different mixtures. One part of the SATB parts is separated or isolated from the original mixture and replaced with that part from the other mixture.

original mixture isolation (S) removal (ATB) replacement (S'ATB)
original mixture isolation (B) removal (SAT) replacement (SATB')